Coaching & Athletic Resources
Dual Sport Guidelines
Dual sport athletes will be limited to at least one of the sports having an individual aspect to it.
Procedures for Participation
The athlete must notify the athletic director at least one month prior to the start of the season and submit a dual sport participation application.
The athletic director will schedule a preliminary meeting with all coaches involved to provide them with information and develop a plan.
The athletic director will schedule a final meeting with all coaches involved to come to a decision.
The athletic director or coaches have the right to deny any dual sport request
If the athletic director and coaches can come to a consensus to allow dual sport participation, then the following guidelines will be followed:
The athlete will designate a primary sport (which takes priority over the secondary sport).
The primary sport will take precedence over the secondary sport under all circumstances. The athlete will attend all regularly scheduled and re-scheduled events of the determined primary sport. If both sports have a scheduled contest on the same day at the same time, the athlete will compete in the primary sport.
The athletic director and both coaches will mutually agree on specific guidelines that explain the expectations for the athlete.
If the primary coach deems it necessary to mandate that the athlete attends a particular practice session over a scheduled contest in a secondary sport, that coach reserves the right to do so.
Expectation of the Athletic Director
No games will be moved or rescheduled to accommodate dual sport athletes.
To communicate with the athletes, coaches, parents and athletic trainers to make sure dual sport athletes are safe and healthy and have the appropriate rest.
To make decisions that are best for everyone involved and support all coaches.
NCAA Eligibility
In order to play Division I or II sports, students need to register with the NCAA through the eligibility website. You set up an account and request your transcript to be sent through the Counseling Office.
You are not considered cleared through the Clearinghouse until a coach requests your information. At that point they will review your status to confirm what division you are cleared to play. In order to make sure you are prepared you should complete the Division I and II Worksheet to make sure you have the course work that is required.