Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Dear Lyons CSD Families,
I am writing again to you to address the air quality, due to the wildfires in Canada, in our schools and outside.
Reduced air quality will result in increased risk of asthma attacks, increased respiratory difficulty, headaches, and migraines. Our nurses and staff are aware of the health concerns, and we will be monitoring student health.
As a precaution we will be canceling all LCSD field trips scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, June 8th.
If conditions worsen and there are changes to additional events the buildings will communicate those changes.
Finally, as a parent or guardian we understand that you will need to make decisions on the specific health needs of your child. Please contact your school nurse if you have additional questions about health concerns related to the current air conditions.
Thank You, Dr. Matthew Barr Superintendent Lyons Central School District