Mr. Carr Class

Mrs. Robbins' 4th-grade students are hard at work practicing their reading parts for the upcoming MLK Celebration. With focus and enthusiasm, they prepare to honor Dr. King's legacy through spoken word, reflecting on themes of equality and kindness.

Mrs. Robbins Class reading practiceMrs. Robbins class practicing

In Mr. Carr's American History class, students explore key events and figures that shaped the nation’s past. They engage in discussions and activities that foster critical thinking. Through a blend of lectures, hands-on projects, and engaging review strategies, students develop a deeper understanding of America's complex history and its impact on the present.

Mr. Carr's Class 1Mr. Carr's Class 2Mr. Carr's Class 3Mr. Carr's Class 4Mr. Carr's Class 5Mr. Carr's Class 6Mr. Carr's Class 7

The first-grade classes gear up for their musical performance at the MLK Celebration, filling the room with melodies of hope and unity.

1st grade practicing 6

1st grade practicing 11st grade practicing 21st grade practicing 31st grade practicing 41st grade practicing 51st grade practicing 81st grade practicing 91st grade practicing 10Full assembly

Congratulations to the students who were honored with awards at today’s MLK Celebration. Their dedication to making a positive impact in their school and community inspires us all!

MLK WinnerMLK Winner 2MLK Winner 3MLK Winner 4MLK Winner 5MLK Winner 6

Mr. Dailey's Animal Science class hosted a Dogless Dog Show. Students showcased their creativity by designing unique dog models. Each creation represented a specific breed, accompanied by detailed facts highlighting its characteristics and care requirements. Congratulations to the winners: Baylei Reed won first place, Quinn Gay took second place, and Cooper Lancaster won third place!

Dogless Dog Show groupdogless dog show winnerdogless dog show judgesdogless dog show contestantdogless dog show contestant 2dogless dogshow contestant 4

Before this week's Board of Education meeting, Board President Martha Bailey chatted with Kindergarten student Gianna Powell. It was a great opportunity for the board to engage with one of the youngest members of the school community!

Gianna Powell and BOE presdientG. Powell

We are flashing it back to the Lyons Varsity Bowling team from 1965!

1965 Bowling team