October Athletes of the Month

Cheerleading- Elise Bass

Elise is a great teammate and has developed into a leader on the cheerleading team.  She brings great energy to practice and intensity to our competitions.  

Soccer-Cadence Watkins

Cadence has been a true team player throughout the season. She works hard every day at practice and gives it her all every game. Cadence shows great sportsmanship and can pick her teammates up when they are down. 

Golf-Jacob Bookmiller

Jacob improved throughout the season and was the low score for Lyons in Sectional Qualifying.  

Tennis-Samantha Figueroa

Samantha was dominant in singles this year, always giving her best effort in matches. For the second year in a row, Samantha and teammate Baylei Reed returned to the Section V Individual Doubles Championship game.  For the last three years, her record is 25-6 when playing singles. 

Football- Vernon Jinks

Vernon is a true team player who has filled multiple roles throughout the year.  He is one of the first at practice and one of the last to leave.  He gives 100% effort every time he is on the field.   

Volleyball- Keira Weber

Keira Weber has been a great addition to the team. She is one of our go-to hitters, always plays hard and demonstrates positive energy. She led the league with 243 kills, 41 blocks and also compiled 58 aces. 

XC-Garrett VanAuken

Garrett has shown a lot of dedication and determination throughout the Cross Country season.  His hard work has paid off and allowed to make his way into the top seven runners for League Championship and Sectionals.